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연락처 031-881-7138(판교), 031-850-9323(포천) pkh0410@cha.ac.kr


  • 전남대학교 고분자공학과 ( 공학사 )
  • 전남대학교 고분자공학과 ( 공학석사 )
  • 일본 동경공업대학교 생명이공학부 ( 공학박사 )


  • 1996.10-1996.12 스위스 ETH 대학 (초청 연구원)
  • 1997.07-1997.08 광주과학기술원 신소재공학과 Post-doc
  • 1997.09-1998.08 한국 과학재단 Post-doc
  • 1997.09-2000.01 광주과학기술원 생체재료센터 선임연구원
  • 2000.01-2001.09.30 조선대학교 약학대학 BK 계약교수
  • 2001.10-2003.09.19 서울대학교 치과대학 BK 계약조교수
  • 2003.09-2004.08 아주대학교 의용공학과 연구조교수
  • 2004.09-2008.08 포천중문의과대학교 생명과학전문대학교 조교수
  • 2008.09-2014.02 차 의과학대학교 생명과학대학 의생명과학과 부교수
  • 2014.03-현재 차 의과학대학교 생명과학대학 의생명과학과 교수
  • 2017.01-2017.12 의생명과학과 학과장 겸 일반대학원 의생명과학과 학과장
  • 2021.03- 현재 차 의과학대학교 생명과학대학장



    본 연구실은 손실되거나 질환으로 파괴된 조직을 재생하는 연구실로써, 사람세포를 이용하여 연골, 뼈 등을 재생하기 위하여 세포와 생체적합성을 갖는 여러 가지 전달체를 이용하여 조직을 재생하는 연구를 하고 있다.

    Journals (* Corresponding author papers)
  • Kim HJ, Park JS, Yi SW, Oh HJ, Kim JH, Park KH. Nanoparticle-mediated transfection of human mesenchymal stem cells with chondrogenesis-inducing genes. Journal of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. Accepted
  • Kim HJ, Yi SW, Oh HJ, Lee JS, Park JS, Park KH. Transfection of gene regulation nanoparticles complexed with pDNA and shRNA controls multilineage differentiation of hMSCs. Biomaterials. 2018 May 29;177:1-13.
  • Jeon SB, Yi SW, Samal M, Park KH, Yun K. Evaluation of physico-mechanical properties in NHDF and HeLa cell with treatment of graphene quantum dots using atomic force microscopy. Applied Surface Science. 2018 Apr 15;437:357-365.
  • Kim HJ, Park JS, Yi SW, Oh HJ, Kim JH, Park KH. Sequential transfection of RUNX2/SP7 and ATF4 coated onto dexamethasone-loaded nanospheresenhances osteogenesis. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 23;8(1):1447.
  • Park JS, Park W, Park SJ, Larson AC, Kim DH, Park KH. Multimodal Magnetic Nanoclusters for Gene Delivery and Directed Migration and Tracking of Stem Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017 Jul 5:1700396. (Very Important Paper (VIP))
  • Park JS, Park W, Kang AY, Larson AC, Kim DH, Park KH. Multi-functional nanotracers for image-guided stem cell gene therapy. Nanoscale. 2017 Apr 6;9(14):4665-4676. (Cover story paper)
  • Kim YM, Potta T, Park KH, Song SC. Temperature responsive chemical crosslinkable UV pretreated hydrogel for application to injectable tissue regeneration system via differentiations of encapsulated hMSCs. Biomaterials. 2017 Jan;112:248-256.
  • Park JS, Yi SW, Kim HJ, Kim SM, Kim JH, Park KH. Construction of PLGA Nanoparticles Coated with Polycistronic SOX5, SOX6, and SOX9 Genes for Chondrogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Jan 18;9(2):1361-1372.
  • Han MH, Park SW, Do HJ, Chung HJ, Song H, Kim JH, Kim NH, Park KH, Kim JH. Growth and Differentiation Factor 3 Is Transcriptionally Regulated by OCT4 in Human Embryonic Carcinoma Cells. Biol Pharm Bull. 2016;39(11):1802-1808.
  • Park JS, Yi SW, Kim HJ, Kim SM, Park KH. Regulation of Cell Signaling Factors Using PLGA Nanoparticles Coated/Loaded with Genes and Proteins for Osteogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Nov 9;8(44):30387-30397
  • Park JS, Lim HJ, Yi SW, Park KH. Stem cell differentiation-related protein-loaded PLGA microspheres as a novel platform micro-typed scaffold for chondrogenesis. Biomed Mater. 2016 Sep 2;11(5):055003
  • Park JS, Yi SW, Kim HJ, Kim SM, Shim SH, Park KH. Sunflower-type nanogels carrying a quantum dot nanoprobe for both superior gene delivery efficacy and tracing of human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomaterials. 2016 Jan;77:14-25
  • Park JS, Yi SW, Kim HJ, Park KH. Receptor-mediated gene delivery into human mesenchymal stem cells using hyaluronic acid-shielded polyethylenimine/pDNA nanogels. Carbohydr Polym. 2016 Jan 20;136:791-802
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Yi SW, Kim JH, Park KH. Neoangiogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells transfected with peptide-loaded and gene-coated PLGA nanoparticles. Biomaterials. 2016 Jan;76:226-37.
  • ang HN, Park JS, Jeon SY, Park KH. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) formed nanogels with branched poly(ethyleneimine) (bPEI) for inhibition of cytotoxicity in human MSCs as a gene delivery vehicles. Carbohydr Polym. 2015 May 20;122:265-75.
  • Yang HN, Park JS, Jeon SY, Park W, Na K, Park KH. The effect of quantum dot size and poly(ethylenimine) coating on the efficiency of gene delivery into human mesenchymal stem cells.. Biomaterials. 2014 Sep;35(29):8439-49
  • Park SW, Do HJ, Ha WT, Han MH, Park KH, Song H, Kim NH, Kim JH..Transcriptional activation of OCT4 by the ETS transcription factor PEA3 in NCCIT human embryonic carcinoma cells. FEBS Lett. 2014 Aug 25;588(17):3129-36.
  • Jeon SY, Park JS, Yang HN, Lim HJ, Yi SW, Park H, Park KH. Co-delivery of Cbfa-1-targeting siRNA and SOX9 protein using PLGA nanoparticles to induce chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomaterials. 2014 Sep;35(28):8236-48
  • Park W, Yang HN, Ling D, Yim H, Kim KS, Hyeon T, Na K, Park KH. Multi-modal transfection agent based on monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles for stem cell gene delivery and tracking. Biomaterials. 2014 Aug;35(25):7239-47
  • Yang HN, Choi JH, Park JS, Jeon SY, Park KD, Park KH. Differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells into endothelial cells by heparin-modified supramolecular pluronic nanogels encapsulating bFGF and complexed with VEGF165 genes. Biomaterials. 2014 May;35(16):4716-28.
  • ung H, Park JS, Yeom J, Selvapalam N, Park KM, Oh K, Yang JA, Park KH, Hahn SK, Kim K.3D tissue engineered supramolecular hydrogels for controlled chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomacromolecules. 2014 Mar 10;15(3):707-14.
  • Jeon SY, Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Park KH. Aggrecan- and COMP-loaded poly-(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles stimulate chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells Dev. 2014 Feb 1;23(3):305-17.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) nanogels for tracing and delivering genes to human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomaterials. 2013 Nov;34(34):8819-34.
  • Choi WY, Jeon HG, Chung Y, Lim JJ, Shin DH, Kim JM, Ki BS, Song SH, Choi SJ, Park KH, Shim SH, Moon J, Jung SJ, Kang HM, Park S, Chung HM, Ko JJ, Cha KY, Yoon TK, Kim H, Lee DR. Isolation and characterization of novel, highly proliferative human CD34/CD73-double-positive testis-derived stem cells for cell therapy. Stem Cells Dev. 2013 Aug 1;22(15):2158-73.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. Multilineage differentiation of human-derived dermal fibroblasts transfected with genes coated on PLGA nanoparticles plus growth factors. Biomaterials. 2013 Jan;34(2):582-97.
  • Yang HN, Park JS, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. Transfection of VEGF165 genes into endothelial progenitor cells and bioimaging in vivo using quantum dot nanoparticles in an ischemia hind limb model. Biomaterials 2012;33(33):8670-84.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. The use of anti-COX2 siRNA coated onto PLGA nanoparticles loading dexamethasone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Biomaterials 2012;33(33):8600-12.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Do HJ, Lim HY, Kim JH, Park KH. Exogenous Nurr1 gene expression in electrically-stimulated human mesenchymal stem cells induces neurogenesis. Biomaterials 2012;33(29):7300-7308.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. SOX9 gene plus heparinized TGF- 3 coated dexamethasone loaded PLGA microspheres for inducement of chondrogenesis of hMSCs. Biomaterials 2012;33(29):7151-7163.
  • Jeon SY, Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Park KH. Co-delivery of SOX9 genes and anti-Cbfa-1 siRNA coated onto PLGA nanoparticles for chondrogenesis of human MSCs. Biomaterials. 2012;33(17):4413-23.
  • Park KM, Yang JA, Jung H, Yeom J, Park JS, Park KH, Hoffman AS, Hahn SK, Kim K. In Situ Supramolecular Assembly and Modular Modification of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels for 3D Cellular Engineering. ACS Nano. 2012;6(4):2960-8.
  • Park JS, Shim MS, Shim SH, Yang HN, Jeon SY, Woo DG, Lee DR, Yoon TK, Park KH. Chondrogenic potential of stem cells derived from amniotic fluid, adipose tissue, or bone marrow encapsulated in fibrin gels containing TGF-β3. Biomaterials 2011 Nov;32(32): 8139-49.
  • Yang HN, Park JS, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Do HJ, Lim HY, Kim JH, Park KH. Chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells and dedifferentiated chondrocytes by transfection with SOX Trio genes. Biomaterials 2011 Oct;32(30):7695-704.
  • Kim MJ, Park JS, Kim S, Moon SH, Yang HN, Park KH*. Encapsulation of Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 with Cbfa1-Overexpressing Osteogenic Cells Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Hydrogel Accelerates Bone Tissue Regeneration. Stem Cells Dev 2011 Aug;20(8):1349-58.
  • ang HN, Park JS, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Do HJ, Lim HY, Kim JH, Park KH. C/EBP-α and C/EBP-β-mediated adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) using PLGA nanoparticles complexed with poly(ethyleneimmine). Biomaterials 2011 Sep;32(25):5924-33.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Do HJ, Lim HY, Kim JH, Park KH. Chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells mediated by the combination of SOX trio SOX5, 6, and 9 genes complexed with PEI-modified PLGA nanoparticles. Biomaterials 2011 May;32(14):3679-88.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. Chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells in fibrin constructs evaluated in vitro and in nude mouse and rabbit defects models. Biomaterials 2011;32(6):1495-507.
  • Kim JH, Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Do HJ, Lim HY, Kim JM, Park KH. The use of biodegradable PLGA nanoparticles to mediate SOX9 gene delivery in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and induce chondrogenesis. Biomaterials 2011;32(1):268-78.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Woo DG, Jeon SY, Park KH. The promotion of chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, and adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells by multiple growth factors incorporated into nanosphere-coated microspheres. Biomaterials 2011;32(1):28-38.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Jeon SY, Woo DG, Na K, Park KH. Multi-lineage differentiation of hMSCs encapsulated in thermo-reversible hydrogel using a co-culture system with differentiated cells. Biomaterials 2010;31(28):7275-87.
  • Park JS, Yang HN, Jeon SY, Woo DG, Na K, Park KH. Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells using RGD-modified BMP-2 coated microspheres. Biomaterials 2010;31(24):6239-48
  • Ji Sun Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Hye Jin Lim, Kyong Mi Park, Kun Na, Keun-Hong Park. Chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in a hydrogel construct: Neocartilage formation in an animal models as both mice and rabbits. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010;92(3):988-96.
  • Ji Sun Park, Hyun Jung Yang, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Kun Na and Keun-Hong Park. Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells embedded in a scaffold by long-term release of TGF- 3 complexed with chondroitin sulfate J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010;92(2):806-16.
  • Ji Sun Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Jung Mo Kim, Jae Whan Kim, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park. Non-viral gene delivery of DNA polyplexed with nanoparticles transfected into human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomaterials 2010;31:124-132
  • Park KH, Kim H, Na K. Neuronal Differentiation of PC12 Cells Cultured on Growth Factor-Loaded Nanoparticles Coated on PLGA Microspheres. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2009;19(11):1490-5.
  • Chang Ju Jeon, Hye Jin Lim, Jang Won Kim, Ki Hyeon Hong, Soo-Chang Song, Keun-Hong Park The Use of Injectable, Thermosensitive Poly(organophosphazene)-RGD Conjugates for the Enhancement of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation Biomaterials 2009;31:6295-308
  • Han Na Yang, Ji Sun Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Young Do Kwon, Keun-Hong Park The use of green fluorescence gene (GFP)-modified rabbit mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs) co-cultured with chondorcytes in hydrogel constructs to reveal the chondrogenesis of MSCs Biomaterials 2009;31:6374-85
  • Dae Gyun Woo, Myung-Sun Shim, Ji Sun Park, Han Na Yang, Dong Ryul Lee, Keun-Hong Park. The effect of electrical stimulation on the differentiation of hESCs adhered onto fibronectin-coated gold nanoparticles. Biomaterials 2009;29:5631-8.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Hyemin Kim, Sumi Moon, and Kun Na Bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) loaded nanoparticles mixed with human mesenchymal stem cell in fibrin hydrogel for bone tissue engineering Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2009;108(6):530-7.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Uram Park, and Kun Na. Synthetic matrix containing glucorcoticoid and growth factor for chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2009;108(2):168-73
  • Ji Sun Park, , Kun Na, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Keun-Hong Park Determination of dual delivery for stem cell differentiation using dexamethasone and TGF-beta3 in/on polymeric microspheres. Biomaterials 2009;30(27):4796-805.
  • JI SUN PARK, HAN NA YANG, DAE GYUN WOO, HYUNG-MIN CHUNG, KEUN-HONG PARK In vitro and in vivo chondrogenesis of rabbit bone marrow-derived stromal cells in fibrin hydrogel mixed with growth factor loaded in nanoparticles Tissue Engineering 2009;8:2163-75
  • Ji Sun Park, Han Na Yang, dae Gyun Woo, Kun Na, Keun-Hong Park Transforming growth factor beta-3 bound with sulfate polysaccharide in synthetic extracellular matrix enhanced the biological activities for neocartilage formation in vivo. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009;91(2):408-15
  • Keun-Hong Park, Don Haeng Lee, Kun Na Transplantation of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-vinylimidazole) hydrogel constructs composed of rabbit chondrocytes and growth factor-loaded nanoparticles for neocartilage formation. Biotechnol Lett. 2009;31 (3): 337-343
  • Ji Sun Park, Kyongsson Park, Hyun Tae Moon, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Keun-Hong Park. Electrical Pulsed Stimulation of Surfaces Homogeneously Coated with Gold Nanoparticles to Induce Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 Cells. Langmuir Jan 6;25(1) 451-7
  • Ji Sun Park, Kyongsson Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Triple constructs consisting of nanoparticles and microspheres for bone-marrow-derived stromal-cell-delivery microscaffolds. Small. 2008;4(11):1950-5.
  • Ji Sun Park, Kyongsson Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park. PLGA microsphere construct coated with TGF-beta 3 loaded nanoparticles for neocartilage formation. Biomacromolecules. 2008 Aug;9(8):2162-9.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Kun Na. Effect of growth factors on chondrogenic differentiation of rabbit mesenchymal cells embedded in injectable hydrogels. J Biosci Bioeng. 2008;106(1):74-9.
  • Lee YS, Park KH, Kim TS, Kim JM, Sohn IS, Park JK, Chang WK, Kim DK. Interaction of glycopolymers with human hematopoietic cells from cord blood and peripheral blood. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2008 Sep 15;86(4):1069-76.
  • Ji Sun Park, Kyongsson Park, Han Na Yang, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park The use of chondrogenic differentiation drugs to induce stem cell differentiation using double bead microsphere structure. Biomaterials 2008;29:2490-500.
  • Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Bioimaging of dexamethasone and TGF beta-1 and its biological activities of chondrogenic differentiation in hydrogel constructs. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2008;87:283-9
  • Ji Sun Park, Dae Gyun Woo, Han Na Yang, Hye Jin Lim, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Heparin-bound TGF -3 enhances neocartilage formation by rabbit mesenchymal stem cells. Transplantation 2008;85(4):589-96.
  • Keun-Hong Park and Kun Na Heparin/polypyrrole (PPy)composite on gold-coated matrix for the neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells by electrical stimulation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 12:463-469;2007.
  • Ji Sun Park, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung , Su Jin Im , You Mee Choi , Kinam Park , Kang Moo Huh, and Keun-Hong Park. In vitro and in vivo test of PEG-PCL block copolymer hydrogel scaffold for neocartilage formation using rabbit chondrocytes Journal of Controlled Release124(1-2);51-9:2007.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Ji-Yeon Yoon, Soo-Chang Song A thermosensitive poly(organophosphazene) hydrogel for injectable tissue engineering applications Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition 18(9):1181-93 2007.
  • Kun Na, Seong-Jun Choi, Sungwon Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Blended construct consisting of thermo-reversible hydrogels and heparinized nanoparticles for increasing proliferation activity of rabbit chondrocyte in vivo test Biotechnology Letters 29(10):1447-52:2007.
  • Kun Na, Seong-Jun Choi, Sungwon Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Enhancement of cell proliferation and differentiation by combination of ascorbate and dexamethasone in thermo-reversible hydrogel constructs embedded with rabbit chondrocytes. Biotechnology Letters 29(10):1453-7 2007.
  • Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Kyeongsoon Park, Kwangmeyung Kim, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Combination material delivery of dexamethasone and growth factor in hyaluronic acid blended hydrogel constructs for neocartilage formation Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 83(3):779-86 2007.
  • Seong Jun Choi, Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Kyeongsoon Park, Kwangmeyung Kim, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park. Combination of ascorbate and growth factor (TGF beta-3) in thermo-reversible hydrogel constructs embedded with rabbit chondrocytes for neocartilage formation. J Biomed Mater Res A. 83(4):897-905 2007.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Kun Na, Yong Su Lee, Won-Kyong Chang, Jin-Ki Park Thoshihiro Akaike, and Dong Ku Kim Effects of mannosylated glycopolymers on specific interaction to bone marrow hematopoietic and progenitor cells derived from murine species Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 82;281-7:2007
  • Eun Sung Lee *, Keun-Hong Park*, Sungwon Kim, and Kun Na. Glycolchitosan as a stabilizer for protein encapsulated into poly(lactide-co-glycolid) microparticles International Journal of Phamaceutics 338(1-2):310-6 2007.
  • Eun Sung Lee *, Keun-Hong Park*, Sungwon Kim, and Kun Na. Protein complexed with chondrotin sulfate in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microsphere Biomateirals 28, 2754-2762, 2007.
  • Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Osteogenic differentiation of rabbit mesenchymal stem cells in thermo-reversible hydrogel constructs containing hydroxyapatite and bondmorphogenic protein (BMP-2) Biomateirals, 28;2631-2637:2007
  • Lee HJ, Park K.-H, Park SR, Min BH. Chitosan/Heparin polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles covalently bonded with PEI for enhancement of chondrogenic phenotype. Key Engineering Materials, 342;329-332:200).
  • Park KH, Song HC, Na K, Bom HS, Lee KH, Kim S, Kang D, Lee DH. Ionic strength-sensitive pullulan acetate nanoparticles (PAN) for intratumoral administration of radioisotope: Ionic strength-dependent aggregation behavior and (99m)Technetium retention property. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 59(1):16-23:2007.
  • Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Kyeongsoon Park, Kwangmeyung Kim, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Heparin/Poly(l-lysine) Nanoparticle-Coated Polymeric Microspheres for Stem Cell Therapy Journal of American Chemical Society 129 (18);5788-5789:2007
  • Kun Na, Sungwon Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woo, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park Synergistic effect of TGFb-3 on chondrogenic differentiation of rabbit chondrocytes in thermo-reversible hydrogel constructs blended with hyaluronic acid by in vivo test Journal of Biotechnology 29;412-422: 2007.
  • Kun Na, Ji Hyun Park, Sung Won Kim, Bo Kyung Sun, Dae Gyun Woob, Hyung-Min Chung, Keun-Hong Park, Delivery of dexamethasone, ascorbate, and growth factor (TGF b-3) in thermo-reversible hydrogel constructs embedded with rabbit chondrocytes Biomaterials 27;5951–5957:2006.
  • SONG, HO-CHUN, KUN NA, KEUN-HONG PARK, CHAN-HO SHIN, HEE-SEUNG BOM, DONGMIN KANG, SUNGWON KIM, AND EUN SEONG LEE Intratumoral Administration of Rhenium-188-Labeled Pullulan Acetate Nanoparticles (PAN) in Mice Bearing CT-26 Cancer Cells for Suppression of Tumor Growth J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 16;31-6:2006.
  • PARK, KEUN-HONG, DONGMIN KANG, AND KUN NA Physicochemical Characterization and Carcinoma Cell Interaction of Self-Organized Nanogels Prepared from Polysaccharide/Biotin Conjugates for Development of Anticancer Drug Carrier J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 16;421-8:2006.
  • KEUN-HONG PARK and SOO-CHANG SONG Morphology of spheroidal hepatocytes within injectable, biodegradable, and thermosensitive poly(organophosphazene) hydrogel as cell delivery vehicle Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 101;238-242:2006.
  • Seong Eun Ahn, Sinae Kim, Kyu Hyung Park, Sung Hwan Moon, Hae Jin Lee, Gi Jin Kim, Young Jae Lee, Keun Hong Park, Kwang Yul Cha, and Hyung Min Chung Primary bone-derived cells induce osteogenic differentiation without exogenous factors in human embryonic stem cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 340; 403–408:2006.
  • KEUN-HONG PARK and SOO-CHANG SONG A thermo-sensitive poly(organophosphazene) hydrogel used as an extracellular matrix for artificial pancreas J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 1421–1431:2005.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Kun Na, Sung Won Kim, Sung Yong Jung, Kyu Hyung Park, Kwang Yul Cha, &Hyung-Min Chung Insulinoma cell line (MIN6) adhesion and spreading mediated by Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence conjugated in thermo-reversible gel Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 99;598-602: 2005.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Kun Na, Sung Won Kim, Sung Yong Jung, Kyu Hyung Park & Hyung-Min Chung Phenotype of hepatocyte spheroids behavior within thermo-sensitive poly(NiPAAm-co-PEG-g-GRGDS) hydrogel as a cell delivery vehicle Biotechnology Letters, 27;1081-1086:2005.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Won Jun Sung, Sungwon Kim, Doo Han Kim Toshishiro Akaike, & Hyung-Min Chung Specific interaction of mannosylated glycopolymers with macrophage cells mediated by mannose receptor Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 99;285-289:2005.
  • Keun-Hong Park, Kun Na & Hyung-Min Chung. Enhancement of the adhesion of fibroblasts by peptide containing an Arg-Gly-Asp sequence with poly(ethylene glycol) into a thermo-reversible hydrogel as a synthetic extracellular matrix Biotechnol Lett. 2005 Feb;27(4):227-31.
