
박경순 교수/

연락처 031-881-7144 kspark@cha.ac.kr


  • 서울대학교 농생물학과 (학사)
  • 서울대학교 식물병리학과 (석사)
  • 워싱턴 주립대학교 분자세포생물학 (이학박사)


  • 생명공학연구원 박사후 연구원
  • 국립식물검역소 농업 연구사
  • (주)툴젠 책임연구원
  • 차세대 성장동력 추진실무 위원회 위원
  • 국가과학기술위원회 정책조정 전문위원
  • (현) 차 의과학대학교 정교수
  • (현) 국비유학한림원 회원

  • [특허 출원]
  • Kim JS, Bae KH, Park KS, Kwon YD, Rue EH, Hwang MS. zind finger domain libraries. PCT application (2003)
  • Kim JS, Park KS, Lee DK, Seol W, Lee HR, Lee SI, Yang HY, Lee YS, Jang YS. Phenotypic screen of chimeric proteins. PCT application (2003)
  • Kim JS, Park KS, Jang YS. Regulation of prokaryotic gene expression with zinc finger proteins. US patent application (2004)
  • 박경순, 김진수, 설지현, 김의중. 효모의 갈락토스1 프로모터에 결합하는 폴리펩타이드, 이를 코드하는 핵산 및 이를 이용하여 효모에서 재조합 단백질을 대량 생산하는 방법
  • 쥐배아줄기세포의 자가 복제능 검출방법 – 특허출원번호: 10-2008-0030633 – 발명자 : 박경순, 차영, 이경아, 김광수
  • 생쥐 난자의 성숙능 검출방법 – 특허출원번호: 10-2008-0030635 – 발명자 : 박경순, 이경아, 김경화, 김광수
  • ELK3 단백질을 이용한 암치료 또는 암전이 억제제 스크리닝 방법 및 상기 ELK3 단백질 발현 또는 활정 억제제를 포함하는 암치료 또는 암전이 억제용 약학적 조성물 -특허출원번호: 10-2014-0082266 -발명자: 김근필, 박경순, 허선희
  • Ell3 단백질을 이용한 항염증제의 스크리닝 방법 및 상기 Ell3 단백질의 발현 또는 활성 억제제를 포함하는 항염조성물 -특허출원번호: 10-2014-0094671 -발명자: 김근필, 박경순, 안희진
  • Rad51 단백질을 이용한 미성숙난자로부터 성숙난자를 얻기 위한 방법 -특허출원번호: 10-2016-0074634 -발명자: 이경아, 박경순, 김경화, 박지훈


  • 종양전이 (metastasis)와 epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) 기전연구
  • 고형암의 항암면역치료 감수성 향상법 개발
  • 항암면역활성 기능 강화 자연살해세포 제작

  • [SCI국외논문]
  • Kim HK†, Park JD†, Choi SH, Shin DJ, Hwang S, Jung HY*, Park KS*. Functional Link between miR-200a and ELK3 Regulates the Metastatic Nature of Breast Cancer. Cancers (2020)
  • Park Y, Pang K, Park J, Hong E, Lee J, Ooshima A, Kim HS, Cho JH, Han Y, Lee C, Song YS, Park KS, Yang KM, Kim SJ. Destabilization of TRAF6 by DRAK1 suppresses tumor growth and metastasis in cervical cancer cells. Cancer Research (2020)
  • Park JH, Park KS*. SMAD3 promotes ELK3 expression following transforming growth factor beta-mediated stimulation of MDA-MB231 cells. Oncology Letters (2020)
  • Pang K, Park J, Ahn SG, Lee J, Park Y, Ooshima A, Mizuno S, Yamashita S, Park KS, Lee SY, Jeong J, Ushihima T, Yang KM, Kim SJ. RNF208, an estrogen-inducible E3 ligase, targets soluble vimentin to suppress metastasis in triple negative breast cancers. Nature Communication (2019)
  • Cho HJ, Oh N, Park JH, Kim KS, Kim HK, Lee E, Hwang SH, Kim SJ, Park KS*. ZEB1 collaborates with ELK3 to repress E-cadherin expression in triple negative breast cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Research (2019)
  • Kim KS, Han JH, Park JH, Kim HK, Choi SH, Kim GR, Song H, An HJ, Han DK*, Park W*, Park KS*. Multifunctional nanoparticles for genetic engineering and bioimaging of natural killer cell therapeutics. Biomaterials (2019) (공동교신)
  • Choi YH, Lim EH, Kim SW, Moon YW, Park KS, An HJ. IL-27 enhances IL-15/IL-18 mediated activation of human natural killer cells. J Immuno Therapy of Cancer (2019)
  • Park S, Arai Y, Kim BJ, Bello A, Ashraf, S, Park H, Park KS*, Lee SH*. Suppression of Spry4 promotes osteogenic differentiation and bone formation of mesenchymal stem cell. Tissue Engineering (2019) (공동교신)
  • Kim KS, Park JI, Oh N, Cho HJ, Park JH, Park KS*. ELK3 expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells promotes breast cancer progression and metastasis through exosomal miRNAs. Scientific Reports (2019)
  • Lee JY, Lee SH, Kim KS, Park KH, Park KS*. Ell3 functions as a critical decision maker at the crossroad between stem cell senescence and apoptosis. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2019)
  • Kim KS, Kim J, Oh N, Kim MY, Park KS*. ELK3-GATA3 axis modulates MDA-MB231 metastasis by regulating cell to cell adhesion-related genes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2018)
  • Park JI, Kim KS, Kong SY, Park KS*. Novel function of E26 transformation-specific domain-containing protein ELK3 in lymphatic endothelial cells. Oncology Letters (2018)
  • Park TH, Cho HJ, Lee JW, Kim CW, Chong Y, Chang CH, Park KS*. Could -79°C spray-type cryotherapy be an effective monotherapy for the treatment of keloid? International J of Molecular Sciences (2017)
  • Cho EH, Yoon S, Park KS, Kim KP. The homologous recombination machinery orchestrates post-replication DNA repair during self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. Scientific Reports (2017)
  • Kim I, Kim KS, Kown OS, Park KS*. Ell3 stimulates 5-FU resistance in a breast cancer cell line. Oncology Letters (2017)
  • Lee JY, Park Y, Oh N, Kwack K, Park KS*. A transcriptional complex composed of ER(a), GATA3, FOXA1 and Ell3 regulates IL-20 expression in breast cancer cells. Oncotarget (2017)
  • Oh N, Park JI, Park JH, Kim KS, Lee DR, Park KS*. The role of ELK3 to regulate peritumoral lymphangiogenesis and VEGF-C production in triple negative breast cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 484(4):896-902 (2017)
  • Kim KH, Park JH, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Park KS*, Lee KA*. The role of Rad51 in safeguarding mitochondrial activity during the meiotic cell cycle in mammalian oocytes. Scientific Reports. 6:34110. (co-coresponding authors) (2016)
  • Kong SY, Kim KS, Kim J, Kim MK, Lee KH, Lee JY, Oh N, Park JI, Heo SH, Shim SH, Lee DR, Kim KP, Park KS*. The ELK3-GATA3 axis orchestrates invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 7(40):65137-65146 (2016)
  • Park JH, Kim KP, Ko JJ, Park KS*. PI3K/Akt/mTOR activation by suppression of ELK3 mediates chemosensitivity of MDA-MB-231 cells to doxorubicin by inhibiting autophagy. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 477(2):277-282 (2016)
  • Ahn HJ, Kim KS, Shin KW, Lim KH, Kim JO, Lee JY, Kim J, Park JH, Yang KM, Baek KH, Ko JJ, Park KS*. Ell3 stabilizes p53 following CDDP treatment via its effects on ubiquitin-dependent and -independent proteosomal degradation pathways in breast cancer cells. Oncotarget. 6(42): 44523-44537 (2015)
  • Lee JY, Lee SH, Heo SH, Kim KS, Kim C, Kim DK, Ko JJ, Park KS*. Novel function of lysine methyltransferase G9a in the regulation of Sox2 protein stability. PLoS ONE. 10(10): e0141118 (2015)
  • Heo SH, Lee JY, Yang KM, Park KS*. ELK3 expression correlates with cell migration, invasion and membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase expression in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Gene Expression. 16(4):197-203 (2015)
  • Park JI, Kim KS, Kong SY, Park KS*. Novel function of ELK3 in the lymphatic endothelial cells. Oncology Letters. Accepted (2015)
  • Yoon SW, Kim DK, Kim KP, Park KS*. Rad51 regulates cell cycle progression by preserving G2/M transition in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells & Development. 23(22):2700-2711 (2014)
  • Yoon YI, Kwon YS, Cho HS, Heo SH, Park KS, Park SG, Lee SH, Hwang SI, Kim YI, Jae HJ, Ahn GJ, Cho YS, Lee H, Lee HJ, Yoon TJ. Ultrasound-mediated gene and drug delivery using a microbubble-liposome particle system. Theranostics. 4(11):1133-1144 (2014)
  • Heo SH, Cha Y, Park KS* Hyrooxyurea induces a hypersensitive apoptotic response in mouse embryonic stem cells through p38-dependent acetylation of p53. Stem Cells & Development. 23(20):2435-2442 (2014)
  • Kim DK, Cha Y, Ahn HJ, Kim G, Park KS*. Lefty1 and Lefty2 control the balance between self-renewal and pluripotent differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells & Development. 23(5):457-466 (2014)
  • Cha Y, Heo SH, Ahn HJ, Yang SK, Song J, Suh W, Park KS*. Tcea3 regulates the vascular differentiation potential of mouse embryonic stem cells. Gene Expression. 16(1):25-30 (2013)
  • Ahn HJ, Kim G, Park KS*. Ell3 stimulates proliferation, drug resistance, and cancer stem cell properties of breast cancer cells via a MEK/ERK-dependent signaling pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 437(4):557-564 (2013)
  • Moon SH, Kim DK, Cha Y, Jeon I, Song J, Park KS*. PI3K and Stat3 signaling regulated by PETN control cancer stem cell population, proliferation and senescence in the glioblastoma cell line. International Journal of Oncology. 42(3):921-928 (2013)
  • Park KS*, Cha Y, Kim CH, Ahn HJ, Kim D, Ko S, Kim KH, Chang MY, Ko JH, Noh YS, Han YM, Kim J, Song J, Kim JY, Tesar PJ, Lanza R, Lee KA, Kim KS*. Transcription elongation factor Tcea3 regulates the pluripotent differentiation potential of mouse embyronic stem cells, via the Lefty1-Nodal-Smad2 pathway. Stem Cells. 31(2):282-292 (2013) (co-corresponding authors)
  • Cha Y, Kim DK, Hyun J, Kim SJ, Park KS*. Tcea3 binds to TGF-beta receptor I and induces Smad-independent, JNK-dependent apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells. Cellular Signaling. 25(5):1245-1251 (2013)
  • Jung JE, Moon SH, Kim DK, Choi C, Song J, Park KS*. Sprouty1 regulates neural and endothelial differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell & Development. 21(4):554-561 (2012)
  • Ahn HJ, Cha Y, Moon SH, Jung JE, Park KS*. Ell3 enhances differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition and apoptosis. PLoS ONE. 7(6):e40293 (2012)
  • Choi EH, Park JS, Park K, Park KS, Kim BS, Han IB, Shin DA, Lee SH. Effect of nucleus pulporous cells having different phenotype on chondrogenic differentiation of adipose-drived stromal cells in a co-culture system using porous membrane. Tissue Engineering “accepted” (2011)
  • Cha Y, Park KS*. Shp-2 mediated Zap70 signaling in control of ERK1/2 and LIF receptor expression in mouse embryonic stem cells. FEBS Letters. 584:4241-4246 (2010)
  • Cha Y, Moon BH, Lee MO, Ahn HJ, Lee HJ, Lee KA, Fornace AJ, Kim KS, Cha HJ*, Park KS*. Zap70 functions to maintain stemness of embryonic stem cells by negatively regulating Jak1/Stat3 signaling. STEM CELLS. 28(9):1476-1486 (2010) (co-corresponding authors)
  • Lee HS, Kim YY, Kim kH, Moon JS, Park KS, Kim KS, Lee KA. Obox4 critically regulates cAMP-dependent meiotic arrest and MI-MII transition in oocytes. FASEB Journal. 24(7):2314-2324 (2010)
  • Chang MY, Kim D, Kim CH, Kang HC, Yang E, Moon J, Ko SH, Park J, Park KS*, Lee KA, Hwang DY, Chung Y, Lanza R, Kim KS. Direct reprogramming of rat neural precursor cells and fibroblasts into pluripotent stem cells. PLos One. 5(3):e9838 (2010)
  • Kim HM, Ahn HJ, Lee HS, Lee KA, Lee SM, Kim HH, Kim KS, Park KS*. Obox4 regulates the expression of histone family genes and promotes differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. FEBS Letters. 584:605-611 (2010)
  • Cha Y, Sung MK, Jung KW, Kim HH, Lee SM, Park KS* Epigenetic deregulation of the human Oct4 promoter in mouse cells. Dev Genes Evol. 218(10):561-6 (2008)
  • Park KS* & Kim JS. Engineering of GAL1Promoter-driven Expression System with Artificial Transcription Factors. Biochem. Bipphys. Res. Comm. 351(2):412-417 (2006)
  • Park KS., Jang YS., Lee H & Kim JS*. Phenotypic alteration and target gene identification using combinatorial libraries of zinc finger proteins in E. coli. J. Bacteriology. 187, 5496-5499. (2005)
  • Park KS., Seol W., Yang HY., Lee SI., Kim SK., Kwon RJ., Kim EJ., Roh YH., Seong BL & Kim JS*. Identification and Use of Zinc Finger Transcription Factors That Increase Production of Recombinant Proteins in Yeast and Mammalian Cells. Biotechnology Progress .21. 664-670 (2005)
  • Park KS, Lee DK, Lee H, Lee Y, Jang YS, Kim YH, Yang HY, Lee SI, Seol W, Kim JS*. Phenotypic alteration of eukaryotic cells using randomized libraries of artificial transcription factors. Nat. Biotechnol. 21, 1208-1214 (2003).
  • Bae KH, Kwon YD, Shin HC, Hwang MS, Ryu EH, Park KS, Yang HY, Lee DK, Lee Y, Park J, Kwon HS, Kim HW, Yeh BI, Lee HW, Sohn SH, Yoon J, Seol W, Kim JS*. Human zinc fingers as building blocks in the construction of artificial transcription factors. Nat. Biotechnol. 21, 275–280 (2003).

  • [국내논문]
  • Kim KS, Park KS*. XRP44X enhances the cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells by activating the c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling pathway. Dev. Reprod (2020)
  • Lee JY, Oh N, Park KS*. Ell3 modulates the wound healing activity of conditioned medium of adipose-derived stem cells. Dev. Reprod (2017)
  • Lee JY, Kim DK, Ko JJ, Kim KP, Park KS*. Rad51 regulates reprogramming efficiency through DNA repair pathway. Dev. Reprod. 20(2):163-169 (2016)
  • Lee JY, Park S, Kim KS, Ko JJ, Lee S, Kim KP, Park KS*. Novel function of Sprouty4 as a regulator of stemness and differentiation of embryonic stem cells. Dev. Reprod. 20(2):171-177 (2016)
  • Park KS* TGF-β family signaling in embryonic stem cells. Int. J. Stem Cells. 4(1):18-23 (2011)
  • Jung JE, Park KS* The effect of Sprouty1 expression on the growth of mouse embryonic stem cells. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 7(5):623-630 (2010)
  • Kim DK, Cha Y, Ahn HJ, Park KS* Obox6 regulates phosphorylation of Stat3 in the mouse embryonic stem cells. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 7(4):460-465 (2010)
  • Kim HM, Kim HH, Lee SM, Suh WH, Park KS* The effect of passage number of cell culture on the characteristics of mouse embryonic stem cells. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 7(1):76-81 (2010)
  • Shin GH, Park KS, Chung KH, Lee TH 혈관내피성장인자에 의한 혈관에서 Interleukin-8 발현. 대한 혈액학회지 44(4):199-204 (2009)
  • Cha Y, Kwon SJ, Seol W, Park KS*. Estrogen Receptor-alpha Mediates the Effects of Estradiol on Telomerase Activity in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Mol Cells. 26;454-458 (2008)
  • 박경순. 유도만능세포의 최근 연구동향과 전망. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 5(3): 413-419 (2008)
  • Park KS., Lee H & Kim JS*. Enhacing the solubility of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli with an artificial transcription factor library. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 16(2):299-302. (2006)
